High-Ticket Sales: New Era, New Rules - The Millionaire Maker Show

Episode 54

Published on:

4th Jun 2024

High-Ticket Sales: New Era, New Rules

In this episode, I’m sharing how to increase conversion rates on high-ticket sales calls and understand the importance of playing the long game in sales. I’ll uncover the secrets to using a script for authentic and effective sales calls, along with a real-life case study of transforming sales calls and lead quality.

High-Ticket Sales - Key Takeaways

  • Re-narrow your audience: Focus on attracting clients who are ready to invest in solving their problems.
  • High conversion rates: It's crucial to improve lead quality and conversion rates to maximize your time and financial investments.
  • Sales as a long game: Track and follow up with leads even if they don’t close on the first call.
  • Using a sales script: A structured approach to sales calls increases success and ensures no money is left on the table.

Common Problems with High-Ticket Sales

  • Mismatched Audience: Selling to an audience that isn't ready to invest leads to low conversion rates.
  • Low Conversion Rates: Spending too much time and money on calls that don’t close.
  • Overestimating Sales Skills: Many entrepreneurs think they're better at closing than they really are without tracking their performance.

The Unlaunch Method Success Story

  • Case Study: A client shifted her focus from a broad audience to a specific, ready-to-invest demographic.
  • Result: Improved lead quality, higher conversion rates, and increased sales.

The Long Game in Sales

  • Past and Future Connection: Successful sales come from continuous engagement and follow-ups.
  • Tracking Leads: Keep detailed records of all sales interactions to maximize future opportunities.

The SCRIPT Method: Calls To Clients Sales System

  • S - Set the Agenda: Set the tone, be professional, and take control of the call.
  • C - Create a Gap: Ask the right questions to highlight the gap between where the prospect is and where they want to be.
  • R - Reflect: Actively listen and parrot back answers to ensure the prospect feels heard.
  • I - Investigate: Uncover unseen problems by digging deeper into their responses.
  • P - Prescribe: Offer a tailored solution based on their needs and situation.
  • T - Take Action: Clearly outline the next steps if they choose to sign up today.

Key Quotes

  • "Sales is not about that single phone call; it's all about what has happened in the past and the future for that lead."
  • "Start viewing sales as a long game and not a short game and track your sales."
  • "If you're a serious business owner and you want to systemize and scale, you need an onboarding process."
  • "Prospects believe everything they say. They believe nothing you say."

Resources Mentioned


Thank you for joining me on this episode of The Millionaire Maker Show. Remember, effective sales are all about strategy, tracking, and continuous engagement. If you're ready to transform your business and get straight answers, apply for the Millionaire Maker Breakthrough Strategy Session at LindseyA.com/coaching.

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The Millionaire Maker Show
Welcome to the Millionaire Maker Show. A podcast helping expert coaches consistently fill their coaching programs to create more time, more money, more freedom, and more impact.

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Lindsey Anderson